Ralph Simpson & Mihku Paul




Six fingered sepals reach outward, lilting curves
cupped and graceful, as if to weave the air.
Strands of altered cellulose, water nourished,
earth origins grown from Sol's bright fire.
A new vessel formed, man's harmony from 
perceived discord, the striated map tight and well planned.
Time will change everything and
nothing but perception.
We know the blue world that birthed us is shifting, struggling.
The plants do not always return in spring.
Still, we gather together the pieces; brown, red,  
green echo of chlorophyll, yellow memory of flowers
We will always be simply a part of the whole, caught in
the weaving, our imagination the engine that drives
the making, enslaved by a desire to capture all 
the beauty we have been born into.


— Mihku Paul





Most Ancient One, you are called,
centuries of bearing witness.
Born of the sun-splashed dry places,
Years in the making, slow in the ripening.
Patience required.
Nature's own invention of waiting.
So much of being human is this ask.
Some have called you fruit of the dead,
a stubborn tree, insistent in its survival,
risen from the incarnadine blood of Adonis.
For millenia you've been cultivated, they say.
Fruit of our labors, gnarled and twisted limbs that
give forth ruby jewels, little souls trapped inside Purgatory.
indurated seed, enclosed with juicy sweetness.
Now, as these Persephone days creep in,
I remember the stories; how she ate of the crimson fruits,
was forced to reside in the Underworld for
one third portion of the year, returning to earth in Spring.
Fruition defined is the attainment of anything desired.
I have become the fruiting tree now,
completion and renewal.
I hear the words of Seneca echo;
"All art is but imitation of nature."


— Mihku Paul







Artwork Information

Calyx, Ralph Simpson, willow skein, hemp, papyrus, daylily, iris blade, 24″ x 27″ x 18″, 2021.
$1200.00 CA


Pomegranate, Ralph Simpson, willow skein, hemp, linen, common rush, papyrus, iris blades, daylily, 23″ x 23″ x 23″, 2021.
$800.00 CA


Informations sur les oeuvres

Calyx, Ralph Simpson, écheveau de saule, chanvre, papyrus, hémérocalle, lame d’iris, 24″ x 27″ x 18″, 2021.
1200.00 $ CA


Pomegranate, Ralph Simpson, écheveau de saule, chanvre, lin, jonc commun, papyrus, lames d’iris, hémérocalle, 23″ x 23″ x 23″, 2021.
800.00 $ CA


Artist Statement

I have an innate interest in the natural world, fields, forests, and wetlands and the plants that grow there inspire my work. Baskets, vessels, and sculptures arise from a deep curiosity and emergent understanding of my chosen materials. Combining traditional weaving techniques with various plant fibre I create contemporary art forms.
I work with an array of locally gathered plant material both woody and herbaceous. My work varies in form and style but what resonates in all my pieces is the underlying investigation into ways that plant materials can be used to spark interest or insight in the natural world.

I employ harvest principles that embrace environmental integrity and sustainability.

—Ralph Simpson

Démarche de l’artiste

J’ai un intérêt marqué pour le monde naturel; les champs, les forêts, les zones humides, et les plantes qui y poussent inspirent mon travail. Les paniers, les pièces et les sculptures naissent d’une profonde curiosité et d’une compréhension émergente à l’égard des matériaux que j’ai choisis. En appliquant des techniques de tissage traditionnelles à diverses fibres végétales, je crée des formes d’art contemporain.

Mon travail varie en forme et en style, mais ce qui résonne dans toutes mes pièces, c’est la recherche sous-jacente des façons dont les matières végétales peuvent être utilisées pour susciter l’intérêt ou pour mieux comprendre la nature.

J’emploie des principes de récolte qui respectent l’intégrité environnementale et la viabilité.

—Ralph Simpson



About / Au sujet de

Ralph Simpson

Mihku Paul